Investing in a safer workplace contributes to a happy and productive workforce and reduces the possibility of disruption and extra cost to your business.
According to Workplace health and safety, business productivity and sustainability, workplace illness, injury and death impose large costs on national economies. These costs accrue to individual workers who suffer, their families, the businesses that employ them, and society at large due to the costs associated with health care and treatment.
Workplace illness, injury and death impose large costs on national economies. These costs accrue to individual workers who suffer, their families, the businesses that employ them, and society at large due to the costs associated with health care and treatment.
Information from Return to Work SA shows how incidents and injury can affect the workplace culture and your business
Productivity costs:Lost productivity due to disruption and claim management time.
Replacement costs:Where an injured worker needs time away from work to recover, you may find your business is affected by either lost production in their absence or costs to replace the worker.
Premium increases:The premium system rewards employers with good safety performance. Providing a safe workplace can help to reduce your insurance premium.
Investigation:A serious incident may result in the cessation of production to allow for a regulator investigation. The resulting loss in production may cause significant disruption to your business.
Using a specialist WHS provider can have a huge impact on your business. If you are unsure, just Ask Safety Geek.