February 13th, 2020

How to prepare your business for an emergency

Natural disasters and emergency situations can occur anytime without warning. For example

  • Natural Disasters – floods, drought, fire, landslides and storms
  • Human caused – such as crime, terrorism or riots
  • Technological – such as explosions, building or bridge collapse


A business needs be ready for these of emergencies if they want to reduce the impact. To prepare your business for an emergency situation – before it happens, this guide can help.

A PCBU (persons conducting a business or undertaking) must ensure an emergency plan is prepared for the workplace. This is a written set of instructions that outlines what workers and others at the workplace should do in an emergency.

Check out this Emergency Plan Fact Sheet https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/emergency-plans-fact-sheet

Still have questions? #asksafetygeek