Powered mobile plant such as forklifts and delivery vehicles are a major cause of workplace death and injury in Australian workplaces. ReturnToWorkSA data for South Australia shows that powered mobile plant has contributed to the most injury claims within the transport, postal and warehousing industries for FY 2017-18 to FY 2019-20.
Since January 2020, SafeWork SA has issued:
Deliver yourself home safely is a national campaign that aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of work health and safety for food delivery workers.
There are loads of resources for delivery workers, food outlets and platforms to help manage the risks in this industry.
Do you have one ?
Do you need help setting one up?
Or a check to ensure your register is compliant?
SafeWork SA inspectors will this month target buildings requiring an asbestos register after a similar campaign last year resulted in 130 improvement and prohibition notices being issued.
Safety Geek can help you.
Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Worker’s Memorial Day when we remember those who have died from a work-related injury or illness and look at how we can prevent work-related injuries.
169 workers were fatally injured at work in Australia in 2021
Find more information here https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/media-centre/campaigns/2023-world-day
The South Australian Government is seeking comment on its draft Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill.
You can read the draft bill here
Safe Work Australia has released the Key Work Health and Safety Statistics, Australia 2022.
It includes trends, gender and age comparisons, and industry and occupation breakdowns.
Find it here
Asbestos is present in one in three Australian homes, as well as public and commercial buildings.This includes hundreds of river shacks and homes, particularly those built or renovated from the mid-1980s to 1990 or earlier. https://www.safework.sa.gov.au/news-and-alerts/news/news/2022/asbestos-danger-rises-with-river-level
River Murray flows are expected to reach up to 220GL per day across the South Australian border into Renmark at Christmas time with the peak high-water level working its way downstream.
Asbestos is dangerous if not disposed of properly. Some older properties that contain asbestos will be washed away and the asbestos containing materials can end up downstream.
Go to https://www.asbestos.sa.gov.au/in-your-home/find-and-identify-asbestos-in-the-home to find and identify asbestos.
Dr Karl explains how you can stay safe if you work with manufactured stone, concrete, bricks or rock.
National Safe Work Month 2022 theme is: Know safety, work safely.
National Safe Work Month is an opportunity to build awareness of work health and safety, encourage discussion about safety at work, and ensure everyone is aware of health and safety hazards and how to manage risks to keep workers safe.
This year’s campaign will focus on various work health and safety topics each week:
Week 1 – Injuries at work
Week 2 – Mental health
Week 3 – Managing WHS risks and preventing harm
Week 4 – Safe and healthy work for all
Work-related psychological injuries and illness have a significant negative impact on workers, their families and business. On average, work-related psychological injuries have longer recovery times, higher costs, and require more time away from work when compared with physical injuries. Safe Work Australia
Find the the model Code of Practice here https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/model-code-practice-managing-psychosocial-hazards-work